Make-A-Wish Missouri

Make A Wish Missouri
Make A Wish Missouri
Make A Wish Missouri

Make-A-Wish Missouri is a non-profit organization that grants the wishes of children with critical illnesses. Founded in 1983, it has been fulfilling the wishes of children in Missouri for over 35 years. Make-A-Wish Missouri is part of the larger Make-A-Wish Foundation, which has granted over 500,000 wishes worldwide.

What We Do

Make-A-Wish Missouri grants the wishes of children with critical illnesses, providing them with hope, strength, and joy. The organization believes that a wish experience can be a game-changer for a child, providing them with the emotional and physical strength they need to fight their illness. Make-A-Wish Missouri works with families, medical professionals, and volunteers to create personalized wish experiences for each child.


Make-A-Wish Missouri has granted over 7,000 wishes since its inception in 1983. The organization has seen firsthand the positive impact that a wish experience can have on a child and their family. Studies have shown that wish experiences can improve a child’s quality of life, increase their sense of hope and optimism, and even improve their physical health.


Make-A-Wish Missouri relies on the generosity of donors to grant wishes for children with critical illnesses. Donations can be made online, by mail, or by phone. The organization also accepts donations of airline miles, hotel points, and other forms of non-cash support.


Make-A-Wish Missouri offers grants to eligible families who need financial assistance to cover medical expenses related to their child’s illness. The organization also offers grants to help cover the cost of travel for wish experiences.


Make-A-Wish Missouri is committed to advancing the field of wish-granting through research. The organization works with researchers to study the impact of wish experiences on children with critical illnesses.

See also  St. Louis Children's Hospital Foundation

Programs & Services

Make-A-Wish Missouri offers a variety of programs and services to support children with critical illnesses and their families. These include wish-granting, medical outreach, and community engagement programs.

Careers & Volunteer

Make-A-Wish Missouri offers a variety of career and volunteer opportunities. Volunteers can help with wish-granting, fundraising, and community outreach. The organization also offers internships and job opportunities for those interested in a career in non-profit work.

Funded Partners

Make-A-Wish Missouri partners with a variety of organizations to help grant wishes for children with critical illnesses. These partners include corporations, foundations, and individual donors.

Training & Certification

Make-A-Wish Missouri provides training and certification for volunteers and staff members. This training ensures that everyone involved in the wish-granting process is equipped to provide the best possible experience for wish kids and their families.

Contact Information

Make-A-Wish Missouri can be contacted by phone, email, or mail. The organization’s website also has a contact form for those who prefer to communicate online.


Make-A-Wish Missouri has a comprehensive FAQ section on its website. This section answers common questions about wish-granting, volunteering, and donating.

Web Links

Make-A-Wish Missouri’s website:

Donate to Make-A-Wish Missouri:

Volunteer with Make-A-Wish Missouri:

Google Map Coordinates

Make-A-Wish Missouri: 38.6384625,-90.2955567

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